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Insect & Pest Control Information, Facts and FAQ

Pest Facts



Carpenter ants invade homes and build their nests in dead, damp, hollow wood. Larger than the average household ant, they are 5/8 and can be identified by worker ants or swarmers (winged ants which can often be mistaken for termites). Carpenter ants are usually red, black or a combination of both. They can give a painful bite when disturbed. They can also cause structural damage to your home. Controlling them often requires the help of a professional.

Odorous house ants get their name from the odor they emit when crushed. Indoors, they are usually found near moisture and prefer sweet things to eat. You may see worker ants or swarmers (winged ants) in your home. They do not bite, sting or cause structural damage, and are primarily a nuisance. These ants are much smaller than a carpenter ant and range in size from 1/16″ – 1/18″. They are usually brown or black in color.

Pharaoh ants feed on almost any type of food, even toothpaste and shoe polish. They do not sting or swarm, and rarely cause structural damage. They can, however, spread very quickly and are difficult to treat. They can spread diseases and are of particular concern for hospitals. Pharaoh ants are 1/16″ in size and their bodies are usually pale, varying from yellow to red with their abdomen often darker to black.



The most common, bothersome outdoor ants are fire ants. Fire ants will sting anything that comes in their way or disrupts their mound, including children and pets. For more information on fire ants, visit our fire ants information page.

Another common outdoor species is crazy ants, a relatively new invasive outdoor ant in the U.S. They get their name from their fast-moving erratic behavior. They are typically found in the Gulf Coast region and southeastern U.S., and prefer warm temperatures and humidity, which means they do not prefer to be inside cool homes.


Crazy ants have multiple queens and hundreds of thousands of individuals, which make for very large colonies. Their colonies are found under and around rocks, leaf litter, the base of trees and naturally shaded areas. They can monopolize food sources – causing them to drive out fire ants and other insects, which can impact the ecosystem. Crazy ants will bite, but their bite is not as painful as the sting of a fire ant. They range in size from 1/16 1/8 and are typically brown or black. They often require the expertise of a pest control professional to treat them.

Ants are the most common pest problem in America, with more than 80% of homeowners experiencing ant problems. There are more than 12,000 species of ants in the world, but only a few types typically pose the greatest problems for homes in the U.S.


Ants are easy to identify because they have three distinct body regions: a heart-shaped head with large jaws and elbowed antennae, a smooth round midsection, and a ridged tail end. Some ants grow wings in order to swarm and spread their colonies. Winged ants and termites can look similar, but the main difference is that a termite has two body segments and does not have a constricted waist. Termites also have smooth antennae instead of elbowed, with four wings of equal size that extend far beyond the end of their bodies. Winged ants have four wings, but two are much smaller than the others.


Ants can be a problem in or outside a home, where they can contaminate food, bite and damage property. They can be difficult to control and treat once they are established. Many species are hard to identify to the untrained eye. Here are some that are common inside the home, including carpenter ants, odorous house ants and Pharaoh ants.


  1. Like all pests, ants are looking for food and water. Complete a thorough inspection in and around your home for leaking water and food sources, and eliminate them.
  2. Keep your kitchen especially clean and quickly take care of any water leaks.
  3. All ant species have different characteristics so the type of ant will determine how they should be treated in your home. If eliminating food and water sources do not stop ants from returning, consult with a local box retailer for pest treatment products and follow the instructions carefully.
  4. If the problem persists after eliminating food and water sources, as well as using DIY treatment products, contact a local pest professional to identify the ants and plan an appropriate treatment.
  5. If you are building a new home, consider Taexx, a built-in-the-wall pest control system that keeps common household pests out of our home including ants. Many of the nation’s top builders are installing it as a standard feature. If your builder isn’t already installing Taexx, you can ask for it.


  1. Identify which kind of ant you are dealing with to determine the best type of treatment. Consult with a local box retailer for pest treatment products and follow the instructions carefully.
  2. Use patience and treat as many mounds as possible at the same time. If you treat just one mound, they will move to satellite mounds.
  3. Trim back bushes, shrubs and trees that brush against your siding or roof to eliminate possible bridges for ants to reach your home. Avoid stacking firewood next to the house and maintain a healthy lawn to discourage ants from returning.
  4. If you have crazy ants, treatment can be difficult. You should consult with a local pest control expert to talk about treatment options.

To achieve long term control and prevention of ants, some steps include:

  1. Eliminating the food source.
  2. Trimming bushes and hedges that are near or touching your house in the affected area.
  3. Caulking or closing potential entry points.
  4. Chemically treating with the appropriate insecticides either on your own or using a pest control professional.





Image of a common Black Widow spider.

Black widow spiders get their name from the popular belief that the female spiders eat males after mating, although this rarely happens. They can be identified by their shiny black bodies, which include a bright red, hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of their abdomen. They range from 1½ to 1¾ inches in length, and can be found throughout the U.S.


Image of a common Brown Recluse spider.

Brown recluse spiders are known for the brown violin marking on their backs, and they range in color from light brown to dark brown. With eight legs, they have round bodies and are typically ¼ to ½ inch long. They can be found in the central Midwest, from Ohio to Nebraska, and in the south from Texas to Georgia.

Spider… just the word makes most of us shiver! Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, has been listed as one of the top five phobias for decades. But of the 37,500 species of spiders worldwide only two groups are considered poisonous to humans in the U.S. – the recluse and widow spiders. Tarantulas, jumping spiders, orb weavers and wolf spiders are but a few of the many species that can be found in and around your home.


Spiders have eight legs, round bodies and range from very small sizes to several inches in length. Their bodies do not have segments, and their heads are fused to their abdomens. All spiders have fangs to inject venom, and most spin webs to capture prey.

Most spiders feed on insects. This makes them beneficial in helping to manage pests in gardens, fields, forests and homes, but they are unwelcome houseguests.

  • Spiders nest in undisturbed areas – discourage nesting by vacuuming or sweeping in closets, under furniture, in corners and cellars
  • Seal around doors and windows with caulk or stripping to prevent their entry
  • Keep outside porch and patio areas clean and washed, particularly under eaves, around foundations and in gutters
  • Reduce clutter in basements and garages to eliminate hiding spots.
  • Wear heavy gloves when moving items that have been stored, and shake out clothing and shoes before wearing them.
  • Outdoors, store firewood at least twenty feet away from the home to prevent spiders from entering indoors.

It is important to be familiar with what poisonous spiders look like and how they act. Both black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders have venom that is dangerous to humans, and females are known to be aggressive and bite in defense. If you are bitten, seek a medical professional for treatment.


To help keep spiders from entering your home, be sure to regularly remove spider webs, seal cracks and crevices, eliminate harborage areas and improve ventilation in attics and crawlspaces.



Approximately 3,500

If your spider situation gets out of control contact the nearest HomeTeam Pest Defense branch to schedule an inspection around the perimeter of your home.



If there was a prize for the most disgusting pest, the cockroach would win.

Cockroaches are typically dark brown in color and as long as 1-inch in length. They are a common pest in homes from Florida to California, where they delight in feasting on improperly bagged household trash and leftover pet food.

The most common types of cockroaches in the U.S. are the American and German cockroaches. The American cockroach is brown to reddish brown with a maximum size of 2.1 inches. The German cockroach is pale brown and about an inch in size.

To help keep your home pest free, make sure all garbage bags and trash cans are tightly sealed to eliminate food sources. Pick up or cover uneaten pet food or store until next meal time.

Let HomeTeam perform a thorough inspection of your home and perimeter and identify potential entry points as well as harborage areas. Our technicians will treat live infestations and recommend a pest management plan to keep your home pest-free.


Yes, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, cockroaches can trigger allergies and asthma. Cockroach allergen is believed to derive from saliva, feces and body parts of roaches. The first step is to rid your home of these pests. Since they resist many types of control methods, it is best to call in pest control experts.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control cockroaches in your home.



House flies get their name from being the most common type of fly found in homes throughout the U.S. With small, oval, dark grey colored bodies, they have four longitudinal dark lines on their back. They are typically an inch in size and have only one pair of wings.

House flies are known for transmitting diseases with their feet, as they congregate and breed in decaying food and matter. Remove trash regularly and use well-sealed garbage receptacles to get rid of house flies around waste bins.

For more information, please visit



Hercules Beetles

The Hercules beetle is the largest and strongest of the scarab beetle family, measuring from 1 to six inches. They are typically green, gray or tan-colored with black or brown spots. Adult males have two large horns for defense – one on the head and one on the thorax. Female beetles do not have horns. Some species can be found in the eastern and southeastern parts of the country, from New York, Illinois and Indiana, and from Florida to the Gulf of Mexico and eastern Texas. The beetle roams forest floors, feeding on rotten fruit and the bark of ash trees.

For more information, please visit



Fleas are small, reddish-brown, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. Not only are they a source of irritation, but can carry and spread disease. Controlling fleas is a large annual expense for some pet owners. But even when you have no pets, structures can still become infested. Animals such as bats, rats and raccoons can reside in structures and might be the source of the problem.

One of the best ways to control fleas is by thoroughly cleaning. If you suspect you have fleas, treat your pets and clean their areas on a regular basis. Vacuuming can remove flea larvae and eggs from carpets. Be sure to clean under furniture and along walls and discard your vacuum bags.

If the problem persists contact the branch office nearest to you to find out how HomeTeam can help you control fleas in and around your home.



Scorpions are easy to identify. They have four pairs of legs and pincers that look like little lobster claws. At the end of their long tails, they have a venom bulb. Although they come in many sizes and colors, most are usually pale gold or tan in color.

With over 1,500 species worldwide, 90 scorpion species exist in the U.S. and about 50 of them are dangerous to humans. According to a survey from HomeTeam Pest Defense, 68% of homeowners say that scorpions are the scariest pests. Although they are perceived as dangerous, the Arizona Bark Scorpion is the only species with venom that is deadly enough to kill a human. The stings of other scorpions most often result in swelling, numbness or tenderness of the area. The Arizona Bark Scorpion lives in the western U.S. from southern California, through Arizona and western New Mexico. It is usually yellow-brown, straw-colored and less than 3 inches long.

Scorpions are nocturnal and can be found hiding in dark places throughout the day like lumber piles, brush and debris. A scorpion’s exoskeleton contains a protein that fluoresces and glows under an ultraviolet light. Black lights are great tools for identifying scorpions at night, when they are the most active.

Like most pests, scorpions are attracted to water and warmth. If you see a scorpion in your home, proceed cautiously. You may want to consider removing it with an empty container to avoid getting stung (remember to wear protective gloves), or call a pest control professional.

  1. Seal cracks and crevices around your home where a scorpion may be able to gain entry, and especially around doors and windows.
  2. Inspect cabinets and closets. Scorpions rest in dark places throughout the day and journey during the night.
  3. Clear away all brush, debris and lumber piles around the perimeter of your home. Keep firewood at least 30 feet away.
  4. Repair any leaky air conditioners and other outside water sources.
  5. Crickets are one of scorpion’s favorite foods. Eliminate crickets in and around your home to keep scorpions away. One way to do this is to turn off outdoor lights at night.
  6. Because of the nocturnal and cryptic nature of scorpions, treatment products may not always provide fast relief but can assist with long-term management. Consult with a local box retailer about the best type of product and treat active or suspected harborages, such as lumber piles.

For an immediate solution or if the problem persists, you can consult a local HomeTeam pest expert. Contact our nearest branch office.



Paper Wasps

Most paper wasps measure about 2 cm (¾ in) long and are black, brown, or reddish in color with yellow markings. Paper wasps will defend their nest if attacked. Adults forage for nectar, their source of energy, and for caterpillars to feed the larvae (young). They are natural enemies of many garden insect pests. The nests are constructed in protected places, such as under the eaves of buildings or in dense vegetation. Normally a colony of several to several dozen paper wasps inhabit the nest.

Wasps sting many people each year and most severe injuries occur from hypersensitivity or allergies to the venom of wasps’ sting. You can prevent wasps by sealing any empty cavities in your roof, or the siding on your home. Seek a professional if you have an infestation.

Aedes mosquito full of blood on white background.


Mosquitoes pose a greater threat to man’s health than any other pest. More than 175 species exist in North America and at least 60 of those have been identified as disease carriers. Malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, and most recently, West Nile virus, can be transmitted via a long beak with piercing mouthparts that feed off unsuspecting living creatures. And did you know that only the female mosquito bites!


In fact, as little as a thimble full of water can be a potential breeding ground. It is important to remove or change water in such items and areas as:

  • flower pots / saucers
  • tire swings
  • pet dishes
  • bird baths
  • storm drains
  • gutters

Mosquito season is highest July through September, but can begin as early as April and their favorite biting hours are dusk and dawn.

HomeTeam can provide a thorough inspection of your home’s perimeter and identify potential breeding areas, treat live infestations and recommend a mosquito management plan to keep your home pest-free.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control mosquitoes in your yard.



Believe it or not, rodents occur almost everywhere outside. Many times we don’t notice them because they stay outside when food is plentiful. However, in the fall, a major source of food, plants and seeds become less available so rodents have to seek food elsewhere. Sometimes, that’s in your house or garage or attic!

Gray or dark in color, mice are usually less than two inches in length and weigh about an ounce. Mice are versatile and can fit in very small places, gaining access around cable lines, holes and even vents.


Rats are much bigger, normally gray or brown in color, and are 10 to 12 inches in length. All rodents are excellent climbers and only need a very small external opening to get inside homes and other buildings. Your garage is easily accessible through the small space between the garage door and the floor.

HomeTeam will be happy to help you rid your home, garage or attic from rats or mice. Please search for a branch near you or call us at the number above.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control rodents in your home.


Potter Wasps

Potter wasps get their name from their ability to create jug or pot-shaped nests from mud, in which they rear their young and house their prey. Potter wasps range in size from ⅜ to one inch long. They are predominately black with white or yellow markings. They have smooth bodies and a long constricted waist.

Wasps sting many people each year and most severe injuries occur from hypersensitivity or allergies to the venom of wasps’ sting. You can prevent wasps by sealing any empty cavities in your roof, or the siding on your home. Seek a professional if you have an infestation.

For more information, please visit



Termites are beneficial to the environment because they break down dead trees and other plant material into substances useful to plants, but they certainly aren’t beneficial to you in your house! Many species of termites cause considerable damage to homes, furniture, and other structures, such as wood fences.

What’s worse, their destruction generally isn’t covered by most homeowners’ insurance.

Subterranean termites nest in the ground and burrow into wood, usually fallen trees and stumps. They enter the wood of buildings where it comes into contact with the ground or they get in via tunnels through cracks in the foundation.

  • A temporary swarm of winged insects around your home
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Mud tubes on exterior walls, wooden beams or crawl spaces
  • Discarded wings from swarmers

HomeTeam offers pre and post construction termite protection for homes and some buildings. See our termite control pages for more information.


Depending on their size, it could be termites. Subterranean termites use mud tubes or shelters for protection and to reach cellulose material above the ground. The tunnels are constructed with particles of soil, wood, debris and termite secretions. They construct these mud tubes as they travel through the dirt. If you spot these in and around your house, you should call a professional for a termite inspection.



There are over 2,300 species of termites worldwide and about 20 species are pests of structures. Subterranean termites are the most widespread and destructive.



Termites thrive on cellulose material. Earth to wood contact provides them with food, moisture, shelter AND a direct way into your home. Wood debris should be removed. Old stumps, form boards and scrap lumber are very conducive to termites. Moisture is one of the most important factors in where termites occur around structures. Poor ventilation in crawlspaces can increase the humidity under a structure making it more susceptible to termite infestations.

  • Leaking faucet or pipes
  • Grade slope toward the structure
  • Clogged gutters or down spouts
  • Firewood stacked against or near structure
  • Lawn sprinklers spraying water on structures
  • Earth to wood contact
  • Construction foam boards against the foundation
  • Exterior siding below grade
  • Wood deck or fence attached to the structure
  • Excessive mulch against structures

Determining the difference between an ant and a termite can be confusing. Termites have straight bead-like antennae. Ants have elbowed antennae. Termites have a broad waist while an ant’s waist is constricted. The wings of termites are equal in size. An ant has larger front wings than its hind wings.

Contact the branch office nearest you to find out how you can help control termites in your yard.


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What are the mud tunnels/tubes around my house?
Are crickets harmful?
What do crickets eat?
How many kinds of termites exist?
What is an earwig? Is it harmful?
Where does an earwig get its name?
How do I control earwigs?
What is the 6-Point Advantage Service?
Do you guarantee your work?
What is the benefit to owning a Taexx system?
How do I pay for service?
Can I pay online?
Why should I use HomeTeam Pest Defense for my regular pest control service?
How do I obtain the Taexx system in my home?
HomeTeam Pest Defense is a QualityPro company. What does that mean?
How can I keep my bills lower?
What happens when I first request service?
Does the Taexx system qualify for "Green" programs?
What happens if a Taexx distribution line is cut during construction?
What chemicals are used in the Taexx system?
Will the Taexx system clog after several treatments?
How secure is the Taexx port box on the outside of the house?
Does the Taexx system cause moisture build up inside the walls?
How does the Taexx system affect the air quality inside the home?
What can I do to reduce the chance of termites setting up home around my house?
What do termites look like? How can I tell them apart from ants?
Is it true that cockroaches can contribute to allergies? What can I do?
How can I keep spiders from creeping into my home?
How many species of spiders have been identified in the U.S.?
What can I do, as a homeowner, to help eliminate or control an ant infestation?
What are considered the top pests in the U.S.?
How do I find a branch office near me?
What can I do, as a homeowner, to prevent pest infestations?
I am a builder. Who do I contact if I want more information?
How long does a borate pretreatment take?
What if I have blown-in insulation?
What kind of impact does installation of the Taexx system have on my cycle time?
Does the Taexx system control termites?

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Depending on their size, it could be termites.

Subterranean termites use mud tubes or shelters for protection and to reach cellulose material above the ground. The tunnels are constructed with particles of soil, wood, debris and termite secretions. They construct these mud tubes as they travel through the dirt.

If you spot these in and around your house, you should call a professional for a termite inspection.

Many types of crickets may cause damage to paper or fabrics when large numbers of them are present. Clothing stained with food or perspiration is especially subject to attack.

The house and field crickets usually feed on plants.

There are over 2300 species of termites worldwide and about 20 species are pests of structures. Subterranean termites are the most widespread and destructive.

Earwig is the common name given to insects characterized by thin, membrane-like wings folded underneath short leathery forewings. The abdomen extends well beyond the wings, and frequently, though not always, ends in a pair of forceps-like touch receptors.

There is no evidence that they transmit disease or otherwise harm humans or other animals.

They owe their name to the widespread superstition that they crawl into the ears of sleeping people and bore into their brains. Earwig is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term, earwicga, meaning ear creature. (They do not crawl into people's ears while they are sleeping.)

Earwigs feed on leaves, flowers, fruits and fungi as well as plants.

Earwig control methods include:
  • Altering their habitat
  • Eliminating excess moisture
  • Limiting the exterior lighting
  • Sealing cracks and crevices
  • Use of chemical insecticides

HomeTeam Pest Defense is committed to providing you with the highest level of professional and responsible pest management services. The key to our customer service is a comprehensive regular treatment plan.

This plan includes:
  1. Inspecting your home's exterior to identify potential pest problems.
  2. Removing cobwebs and wasps nests within reach.
  3. Injecting the Taexx system, if applicable, or applying pest control applications.
  4. Treating entry points such as doors, eaves and windows.
  5. Applying pest control materials around the perimeter of your home.
  6. Detailed service reports and preventive tips.

We want you to be entirely satisfied. If you have any problems with pests in between scheduled visits, we will come back to retreat for pests.

When HomeTeam Pest Defense services your home, the technician will inject distribution lines inside the walls with pest control materials limiting contact with your family and pets.

It's effective because the pest control materials target pests where they hide, live and breed - inside the walls. And, it's convenient. After the initial visit, we'll service your system from the exterior locked and patented service ports. You don't have to be home for service.

HomeTeam provides several ways to pay. We accept major credit cards and checks. Plus, we can set up auto-pay for you so you don't have to even think about it. Just ask your branch for an ACH form and we can automatically deduct payment from your bank account or charge your credit card. You choose.

Yes, you can make payments online, just Click here. You will be asked for your account number, email address that is on file with HomeTeam and phone number on file.

We also have several other payment options available. We accept most major credit cards. Plus, we can set up auto-pay for you so you don't even have to think about it. You choose.

We believe in customer service! Our friendly, qualified technicians will provide our 6-Point Advantage Service when we come out to your home. Our affordable treatments are effective so you don't have to worry about pests invading your home and it makes sense to have a comfortable, pest-free environment!

HomeTeam Pest Defense installs the Taexx built-in pest control system during a home's construction. Ask your builder if they offer Taexx as a standard feature. Not all do.

For homes that are already constructed, HomeTeam Pest Defense can still offer you our pest control service with our 6-Point Advantage Service.

QualityPro certification from the National Pest Management Association means that HomeTeam Pest Defense meets certain standards.

These standards include:
  • Practicing responsible pest control and Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Providing detailed service agreements and treatment reports
  • Employing trained and uniformed technicians
  • Checking employee references, driving records and criminal backgrounds
  • Maintaining a drug-free workplace
  • Maintaining liability insurance of $1 million

Upon signing an annual service agreement, you can choose to prepay and save 5% off your scheduled treatments.

We will schedule an appointment convenient to you.

Our technician will start with an inspection of your home to identify potential problem areas. The initial visit includes thorough interior and exterior treatments. Thereafter, scheduled visits are exterior only, unless otherwise requested.

Yes. The Florida Green Building Coalition (3 points), as well as numerous other "Green" programs, provides "Green Points" for including integrated pest management practices, specifically, precision targeting of pesticides to areas not contacted by or accessible to the occupants.

Typically, damaged lines are found and repaired prior to closing up the walls. In the rare instance of a cut line enclosed in a wall, HomeTeam Pest Defense technicians can detect a damaged line during treatment and mark the line at the port box to prevent further treatments of that single line.

The Taexx system typically has 10-15 zones and will cover adequate pest control even if a zone is disabled.

The pest control materials applied through the Taexx system are registered by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Tempo® SC Ultra, manufactured by Bayer Environmental Sciences, is currently being used by HomeTeam Pest Defense technicians when servicing the Taexx system. (Product label and material data safety sheets are available upon request.)

No. Independent research by University of Georgia determined that there was no apparent clogging of the apertures (holes), and none of the apertures malfunctioned during the simulated twenty-year test.

The Taexx system, treatment equipment, and application techniques have been designed to work together to ensure clog-free lines for the life of the system.

The patented Taexx port box is tamper resistant with a locking mechanism requiring a proprietary key that is not commercially available.

No. Independent research conducted by the University of Florida concluded that, "There is more water weight from condensation after a hot shower" than results from servicing a Taexx system in a home.

Independent research conducted by Dr. Richard Lipsey, a University of North Florida toxicologist, has determined that there is no detectable level of pest control materials in the living areas of the home following the servicing of a Taexx system.

Termites thrive on cellulose material. Earth to wood contact provides them with food, moisture, shelter AND a direct way into your home. Wood debris should be removed. Old stumps, form boards and scrap lumber are very conducive to termites. Moisture is one of the most important factors in where termites occur around structures. Poor ventilation in crawlspaces can increase the humidity under a structure making it more susceptible to termite infestations.

Conducive conditions include:
  • Leaking faucet or pipes
  • Grade slope toward the structure
  • Clogged gutters or down spouts
  • Firewood stacked against or near structure
  • Lawn sprinklers spraying water on structure
  • Earth to wood contact
  • Construction form boards against foundation
  • Exterior siding below grade
  • Wood deck or fence attached to the structure
  • Excessive mulch against structure
Determining the difference between an ant and a termite can be confusing.
  1. Termites have straight bead-like antennae. Ants have elbowed antennae.
  2. Termites have a broad waist while an ant's waist is constricted.
  3. The wings of termites are equal in size. An ant has larger front wings than its hind wings.

Yes, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, cockroaches can trigger allergies and asthma. Cockroach allergen is believed to derive from saliva, feces and body parts of roaches.

The first step is to rid your home of these pests. Since they resist many types of control methods, it is best to call in pest control experts.

To help keep spiders from entering your home, be sure to regularly remove spider webs, seal cracks and crevices, eliminate harborage areas and improve ventilation in attics and crawlspaces.

Approximately 3,500.

To achieve long term control and prevention of ants, some steps include:
  1. Eliminating the food source.
  2. Trimming bushes and hedges that are near or touching your house in the affected area.
  3. Caulking or closing potential entry points.
  4. Chemically treating with the appropriate insecticides either on your own or using a pest control professional.


We are located in many states across the United States, but not in every state. There are several ways to find a branch office near you. Type in your zip code and a location with contact information will appear if we service that area. Call or email the branch to schedule a service or ask questions. You can also find our locations on the contact us page of our website. Call or email the branch office in the city. The second way is to call our toll free number, 1-877-461-PEST(7378), to find the nearest branch serving your area.

Here are a few tips you can use to minimize pest activity.
  • Store firewood and other lumber away from the house and off the ground.
  • Dispose of garbage in closed containers -Eliminate standing water in your yard.
  • Repair drips and leaks in plumbing as quickly as possible.
  • Regularly check for, and block pest access points, such as holes in screens, gaps around windows and thresholds, and cracks in siding or brick veneer.

Each region of the country is supported by Builder Sales Representatives who can answer all your questions. You can email HomeTeam Pest Defense from the contact page or call 1-877-461-PEST (7378) to get your representative contact information.

On average, it takes about 45 minutes for a borate pretreatment. It will not impede your cycle time.

Exterior finishes, foundation design and insulation type effect which walls Taexx is installed. Taexx is designed to meet the specific needs of each builder. The Taexx system will be installed in designated exterior or interior walls or combination of both.

None. It only takes one to two hours to install a typical home so it will not impede your building cycle. We'll work around your schedule.

No. It is not a deterrent for termites. However, we offer other products and services that will guard against termites including our termite baiting system and termite pretreatments of wood and soil.

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What is Taexx?

*Installation method is customized to construction types, and may vary.

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