Cooler Weather Cues Pests to Move Indoors


autumnAre you savoring the crisp autumn air? Unfortunately, cool weather is a cue for pests to invade your home. As temperatures drop, rodents, cockroaches, spiders, and other household pests start looking for warm shelter inside. Frigid temps won’t stop these invaders from multiplying in your walls or settling in other crevices around your house. That’s why it’s so important to continue pest control services during the winter months.

A variety of pests live and thrive at the same temperatures that humans do and can go unnoticed in less-visited areas of your home, such as the attic or basement. Now is the time to reinforce your defenses and prevent any pests from bothering you. Furthermore, ensuring that insects or rodents aren’t lying dormant in your home, ready to emerge in the spring, can save you a lot of trouble.

Without regular treatment throughout the year, many pests can turn into a serious and potentially dangerous problem. Request a quote from us today to ensure that your home is protected year-round.

Here are some common household pests to keep an eye out for this fall and winter, along with some tips for prevention.


Rodents can cause thousands of dollars in damage after infiltrating your home. The National Pest Management Association estimates that 45% of issues with common rodents occur in the fall and winter. To make matters worse, PCT magazine reports through an online poll that 69% of readers have observed unusual rodent behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With many Americans experiencing a change in their regular activities, the food sources that rodents previously relied on can no longer meet their needs and provide them with a dependable supply. This causes them to move indoors in droves, compounded by the typical prevalence of rodent infestations during fall and winter, adds up to a big potential rodent problem. According to research conducted by Advanced Symbolics Inc., there were more than 11 million online engagements on the topic of rats as a health and home issue in July 2020, and a 16% increase in rodent sightings in the kitchens of homes across America during that same time frame.

Rats and mice are more than a nuisance. They carry diseases and chew on electrical wires and drywall. Unfortunately, rodents are experts in burrowing through tiny cracks and gaps into homes. They can smell food from far away, even through walls or insulation. Common signs of rodent infestation include droppings found in kitchen cabinets or pantries where food is stored; gnaw marks on wood, walls, and wires; and nests in dark, secluded areas made of shredded paper products, cotton, or other fabrics and packaging materials. Some homeowners discover rats or mice when they hear scurrying and scratching in the walls or attic.


No wonder cockroaches instinctively make our flesh crawl. These gross bugs creep through garbage and sewers, tracking bacteria and pathogens wherever they go. They can leave droppings around the home, which can trigger allergies, especially in children. If they enter your kitchen, they’ll contaminate your food, countertops, and more. Roaches also feed on materials like book bindings and paper.

Cockroaches can tolerate cold weather, but they’d rather stay inside where it’s warm. They’re prolific breeders. Once they settle in, a homeowner may need to contend with generations of cockroaches. Like rodents, cockroaches like easy access to food and water sources. Your first step in cockroach pest control is to clean up and carefully store food, including pet food, and reduce or eliminate moisture.


Spiders come out in full force in freezing temperatures. Most hatch in the spring, reach adulthood by fall, and are ready to find mates. Once they do, they are drawn to the warmth of indoors to lay their eggs before winter sets in, sometimes hundreds of eggs at a time. They are also drawn to homes in search of food and shelter.

Most spiders are harmless, and many eat other insects. However, if you spot even one poisonous spider such as a black widow or a brown recluse in your home, consider calling a spider control service. Spiders often hide in linen closets and clothes hampers. You don’t want an unexpected encounter with a dangerous spider!

Pest-proofing tips

Follow these tips to keep pests outside:

household pests
Remove leaves or debris near the home.

Screen it over. Install window screens and screens to cover attic vents, openings to chimneys, and any other areas where homes may be open to the outdoors, like mail slots and animal doors. Additionally, put door sweeps in place and remember to repair any screens once they become damaged.

Dry it out. Many household pests are attracted to moisture. Keep basements, attics, and crawl spaces dry and well ventilated. Install dehumidifiers in basements and garages. Maintain a proper outdoor drainage system and gutters to keep moisture away from your home.

Seal it up. Use caulk and steel wool to seal cracks and crevices on the exterior of your home. Pay close attention to where utility pipes enter the structure. Some rodents can fit through a hole the size of a dime.

Move it away. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house, keep shrubbery well-trimmed, and remove any leaves or debris close to the home.

Brush it away. Get rid of any spiderwebs as soon as they appear.

Turn it off. Keep exterior lights off as much as possible, such as floodlights and porch lights. These attract insects, which in turn attract spiders looking for food.

Clean it up. Keep kitchen counters clean. Store food in airtight containers. Remove garbage regularly and store in sealed receptacles. Crumbs and a buildup of garbage lure pests scrounging for food. Clean up immediately after each meal. Be sure garbage cans are properly closed while stored in the home or garage.

Check it out. Inspect items such as boxes of decorations, package deliveries, and grocery bags before bringing them indoors. Shake out or inspect anything that has been left or stored outside.

Pick it up. Avoid leaving pet food dishes out overnight. Common house insects and rodents love pet food just as much as people food.

Taking these steps will help keep pests out of your home during colder months. But remember, household pests can be diabolically clever about finding their way indoors. If these creepy-crawlers invade your home this season, call us for reliable and effective pest control service or rodent control service at 855-855-4873, or visit

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